Saturday, October 18, 2014

If I Stay (Movie)

Hello internet world! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile - midterms are coming and I haven't had much time. I'm currently reading I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga, and it is amazing. But since I haven't finished it yet, I figure why not revist an old review, hmm? Sooooo.......

If I Stay

2 out of 5 Conflicted Stars

I want to like this one, I really do. The trailer for the movie makes If I Stay seem like a really sad, heartbreaking film, but... I guess I'm just not really feeling it. Which is weird cause every time I saw the trailer I felt like crying. I normally always read the novel before the movie, but the trailer is so emotional for If I Stay that I decided to change things up a bit and watch the movie without reading the novel. That's probably a mistake on my part. If I Stay has its good parts, but they just seem to be overshadowed by the bad. 


Hmm, I can honestly only think of one. The emotion. And I'm not talking about Mia and Adam. I'm talking about imagining yourself in Mia's place, feeling that while life has its complications, everything is okay, until suddenly it isn't. To lose your family like that, gone in a flash, is heart-wrenching. Especially after being given hope that things are just bent, not broken, only to have that hope ripped away. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without my family. So, if you take the main idea of the film away from what is showed on the screen, yeah, you'll have an extremely depressing story. Unfortunately, it's everything that is added to the film that makes me wonder why I wanted to see this movie so badly.


It. Is. Just. Too. Cliche. And extremely cheesy. I feel like I can't connect to the characters at all. I spent most of the movie trying not to laugh, or being embarrassed that I had brought my family to see it with me. I swear, I didn't know Adam was going to tell Mia to play him like the cello! Jeez, even thinking about that makes me laugh out loud (and cringe at the cheesy-ness). Mia is too insecure for me to really understand her - yeah, everyone has insecurities, but Mia is made only out of them, and for what reason? It's like she can't see anyone liking her or something. It's in the way she talks, the way she thinks and acts, and even in the way she walks! Every scene she is with Adam, she just slouches over like she's trying to hide herself. I really like Chloe Grace Moretz as an actress (especially as Hit Girl) and I don't think it's her acting that made Mia so unlikable for me. I think it's just Mia as a character. Same with Jamie Blackley's character Adam. If the characters had more to them than just cliches, maybe they would have had more depth and given the actors more to work with.

In Addition:

The music is amazing. I love the cello solos, the Willamette Stone songs, and especially the adaption of Today with the cello added in. The band songs are catchy and fun (I Want What You Have) and can also be meaningful (Heart Like Yours). Jamie Blackley's voice is nothing special, but it is nice to listen to :)


If you're on the fence about seeing If I Stay, don't decide based solely on my review. I've talked to people that absolutely loved it, so this movie might just not be for me. Maybe I'll read the book, maybe I won't. I've heard that the movie is a very close adaption of the novel, and that the endings are the same. I've read some reviews that praise the novels (people whose judgement I trust), so one day I might read If I Stay and Where She Went, but I'm definitely not in any rush to get my hands on them. The most disappointing thing for me is how excited I was to see If I Stay and how let down I was by it. Who knows, maybe I'll read the books and fall in love with them. Probably not, but I'll keep my mind open.

1 comment:

  1. And here I was worried that me sobbing away next to you would have been embarrassing
