OMG more Percy Jackson and the world of the Olympians?? YES!!!
The Heroes of Olympus

5 out of 5 Heroic Stars
Ohmygosh, this series is freaking awesome! I love the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and the premise for this new series, The Heroes of Olympus, kind of worried me a bit, which is why I'm behind on reading. Which actually worked out for me, cause I got to read the whole series without having to wait a year between books! I freaking love binge-reading. Anywho, Rick Riordan has created a fantastic squeal series, weaving together seven POVs together seamlessly, making me care a lot for each individual character, and loving the chemistry when everyone is together. For those of you who've read the Percy Jackson series, The Lost Hero picks up several weeks after the end of The Last Olympian. And if you haven't read the first series yet, get on it! It's amazing!
The Prophecy of Seven
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To storm or fire, the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.
So for the last series, we got to deal with the second Titan war, and the evil Titan Kronos. Well, we've upgraded now. Time to deal with giants (even worse than Titans) and the Earth Mother herself, Gaea. Fun times right? How about not. The Prophecy of Seven, spoken by our new Orcale of Delphi, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, is basically about the end of the world. If Gaea rises, that's it, apocalypse and death and destruction ensured. The Seven demigods are going to need all their strength to band together and save the world. There's just one pesky problem: we're not dealing with only Greek demigods. We've also got Roman demigods, too, and the two groups don't really get along. Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter don't even know about each other, and for good reason. Anytime the two interact, wars are started. Not to mention that the gods are getting a bit schizophrenic having to deal with split personalities of both their Roman and Greek sides. Not only do our heroes of Olympus need to find each other, but they have to fight against everything trying to keep them from succeeding in their quest (ehem Gaea cough cough), facing dangers worse than they've ever imagined.
I simply love the multiple character POVs throughout the series. I mean, Percy's always been my favorite, and I of course would want his POV more than others, but Riordan creates such amazing characters that it gets hard choosing a favorite. I especially love the character POV for the last novel in the series, Blood of Olympus. Since this is a review for the whole series and not just one specific book, I don't want to give too much away, but it's not that hard to figure out who the Seven are. They make an awesome team, and I have complete faith that they will fulfill the newest Great Prophecy. A team this in sync can do anything. But Gaea is eternal, and she's got an army. We're going to need everyone's power, strength, courage, and intelligence mixed together to even stand a chance of stopping the Earth Mother. No biggie. Easy peasy. Ha. But seriously, Riordan has so much character development throughout the series, and none of it feels rushed or forced at all, that it's like I'm growing right alongside these characters. Each individual character arc seems completely natural, and Riordan effortlessly weaves all seven different character-stories together to make one hell of a series. If you haven't read The Heroes of Olympus series, get on it ASAP. You're really missing out.
“Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.”
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