Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ghost Story (The Dresden Files #13)

What is that previous ending?? Harry, what is going on?!

Ghost Story

5 out of 5 Between Stars

"Harry DresdenI take responsibility for more impossible situations in the first twenty-four hours of being dead than most people do all day."

Harry Dresden is dead. How could you do this to us, Butcher? The ending of Changes is brutal! But it leads to one hell of a story. I guess us readers can forgive you for that cliffhanger ending since it got us the amazing novel that is Ghost Story. Besides, I can't really complain since I've been playing catch-up and didn't have to wait the year between books. I don't know how everyone else did itjust waiting overnight to get Ghost Story from the library was bad! But seriously, freaking awesome installment.

"It didn't matter that I was dead. It didn't matter that I was literally a shadow of my former self. My job hadn't changed: When demons and horrors and creatures of the night prey on this city, I'm the guy who does something about it.
'Time to start doing,' I whispered."


Ghost Story picks up right where Changes left off. Harry's been shot, has fallen off his boat the Water Beetle, and died in the icy waters of Lake Michigan. Whether it was the gun shot wound that killed him or drowning in the lake, the result is the same. Harry's dead, and it's in these moments in the almost-afterlife that he learns that three of his friends are in danger. Harry makes the choice to return back to Chicago as a shade in order to solve the mystery of his own murder and save his friends, no matter the risk this places on his soul. However, this is a bit harder than Harry expectsdead enemies are making appearances, and Harry doesn't have his magic to protect himself. The dead can't use magic, so Harry is going to have to learn the rules of shade-power quickly. Nevermind the fact that no one can see or hear him. No magic, no friends, and old enemies who haven't forgotten how they ended up dead. The perfect recipe for a Dresden Files novel. Better figure out what you're going to do, Harry, and fastbefore your become just another lost soul among thousands of others. 

"Like it or not, I had embraced the darkness. I had become what I always fought."

Notable Parts:

As I said before, Harry doesn't have his wizard magic to rely on, and it's really interesting seeing him act without it. It's also a bit sad, too, as his magic is a part of him and not having it really changes the course of the story. Memories are power for shades, which leads toyou guessed itflashbacks! We get so much more information on Harry's past, on what happened with him, DuMorne, and He Who Walks Behind. One of my favorite parts of this novelI've been dying to learn more about Harry's past, and this is literally perfect. Beyond anything I could have hoped for. Thank you for that, Mister Butcheryou've made a lot of people happy with those few chapters. We also learn tons more about ghosts/shades, wraiths, and other creatures of the afterlife. And I can't forget about everyone's favorite ectomancerMorty! I never really cared for Mort in previous novels in the few appearances he made, but Mort really steps up this time around. Everything would have been completely different had Mort not been around. Seriously. He's that important. However, things have already changed since Harry died, as to be expected. His friends have to learn to live and protect Chicago without him. The block of communication between the living and the dead is hard to read aboutthe loss of trust, of being able to communicate with one another, is a barrier that is difficult to overcome. Harry and friends really have a lot to deal with this time around. And believe me when I tell you, things will never be the same.

"I may have had good reasons. I may have had the best of intentions.
But intentions aren't enough, no matter how good they are. Intentions can lead you to a place where you're able to make a choice.
It's the choice that counts."


There are so many amazing thoughts and ideas that are developed wonderfully throughout Ghost Story. Butcher never disappoints. The depth of Harry's character and his friends is developed far beyond what I would have expected. Being dead really allows for a lot of reflection, and Harry has quite a bit to think about while the sun's up and he's out of commission. Hindsight really is blinding in it's clarity. Ghost Story is another great installment to The Dresden Files, and there is a lot of change to deal with and come to terms with since the previous novel. Things will never be the same. It's time for us to accept that. Harry's story is growing, evolving, and it's a tough change, emotionally, to deal with. Harry knows this, too, and it's going to lead to quite the ride for future novels. What's going to happen next, Harry? Things have changed, and there's no going back. Only thing left to do is take responsibility for actions and deals made, and move forward into the complete uncertainty of an unknown future. 

"Nothing lasts forever. Nothing."

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